Saturday, June 29, 2013

Archaeologists Find 2,000 Year Old Evidence of Siege in Jerusalem

June 27, 2013 By Jewish Press Staff

    This ceramic oil lamp and two cooking pots were found in a cistern in Jerusalem and date back to   the first Jewish revolt against the Romans (A.D. 66-73).

Archaeological excavations near the Western Wall have unearthed three complete cooking pots and a small ceramic oil lamp that are the first pieces of evidence of the Jewish famine during the revolt during the siege of Jerusalem 2,000 years ago.

The Israel Antiquities Authority is digging up history in excavations of the drainage channel that runs from the Shiloah Pool in the City of David to Robinsons Arch, at the southern end of the Western Wall.

This is the first time we are able to connect archaeological finds with the famine that occurred during the siege of Jerusalem at the time of the Great Revolt, said excavation director Eli Shukrun.

The complete cooking pots and ceramic oil lamp, discovered inside a small cistern in a drainage channel, indicate that the people went down into the cistern where they secretly ate the food that was contained in the pots, without anyone seeing them, and this is consistent with the account provided by Josephus, he explained.

In his book The Jewish War, Josephus describes the Roman siege of Jerusalem and in its wake the dire hunger that prevailed in the blockaded city.

In his dramatic description of the famine in Jerusalem he tells about the Jewish rebels who sought food in the homes of their fellow Jews in the city. Josephus said that the Jews concealed the food they possessed for fear it would be stolen by the rebels, and they ate in hidden places in their homes.

As the famine grew worse, the frenzy of the partisans increased with it. Nowhere was there corn to be seen, men broke into the houses and ransacked them. If they found some, they maltreated the occupants for saying there was none; if they did not, they suspected them of having hidden it more carefully and tortured them, Josephus wrote.

Many secretly exchanged their possessions for one measure of corn-wheat if they happened to be rich, barley if they were poor. They shut themselves up in the darkest corners of the their houses, where some through extreme hunger ate their grain as it was, others made bread, necessity and fear being their only guides. Nowhere was a table laid…”

The artifacts will be on display in a study conference on the City of David next Thursday

Kelley Warren-Augi: Worship Leader

Kelley Warren-Augi is originally from Miami, Florida and the daughter of Pastors Cecil & Julie Warren of The Word & Worship Center. She was working toward a degree in music at FIU when she attended a conference at Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship in May of 1998, at the height of ‘The Toronto Blessing’. Her life was dramatically changed and she has never been the same. She went to TACF's, School of the Heart, and then joined the church staff as a vocal director, singer, flautist and worship leader. Kelley's musical training and background has allowed her to beautifully translate God's heart through music and songwriting.

Kelley and her husband Rob Augi are currently the full time worship pastors at Dominion Christian Fellowship in Ottawa, Canada.  Kelley's soaking albums "Heaven's Whisper" and “You are Beautiful” have become favorites with 'soakers' all around the world.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Welcome the Global Revival MAP Bible School to Miami!

This promises to be an excellent learning opportunity for everyone - to learn the Bible from the Jewish perspective! No replacement theology, just straight up Jesus the way the first-century Apostles were taught.  Come out for orientation this Saturday, starting at 12:30 PM at the Word & Worship Center, 8601 SW 199 St. Cutler Bay, Fl. 33189. The first course, "Foundations of Faith Revealed" begins on July 6!

Welcome to the Global Revival MAP Bible School!
Orientation is on Saturday June 29th at 12:30 in Pastor’s conference room!

The Global Revival MAP Bible School is written and sponsored by Bishop Dominiquae Bierman of Kadesh-MAP Ministries in Eilat, Israel. Join us for an education of the Bible and Christianity taught from the Jewish disciple’s perspective with no replacement theology! This may be the purest Bible study that you’ll ever experience!

Instruction includes a series of 72 DVD’s, text books, discussion and exams covering three levels of coursework. Class size is limited so that personal attention may be given to each student.

Class Schedule: 12:30 - 2:30 Saturdays – July 6, 2013 thru March 2014

Instructor:  Maritza Mayeta, Miami GRM Coordinator & Registered Instructor 

Registration Contact:  GRM Instructor, Maritza Mayeta at 305-506-9995 or
Location: The Word & Worship Center, 8601 SW 199 St. Cutler Bay, Fl, 33189, in the Pastor’s conference room.

Cost:  $20 per month plus $12 for instruction book for each course (Three courses). An additional $60 plus $20 shipping & handling for six text books. 

**Total cost for the nine month school, including text books, is only $296 per student.
**Minimum initial fee of $32 is due July 6th at the first scheduled class meeting.

The first course “Foundations of Faith Revealed” begins July 6, 2013, so register now!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Prayer: A Passion For The Presence of God

 So many people say or think that God doesn’t hear their prayers, or at least, IF he hears them he doesn’t listen or doesn’t answer them. The fact is that He hears all of our prayers. I believe that whether or not He answers in the affirmative or negative, which can be a non-answer, depends on the specific request itself and how we ask for it in the first place. In observing thousands of Christians in prayer, I can say unequivocally that, at the very least, the problem isn’t with God…but with us. Duh! We, yes, even us Christians, don’t really have any idea of how to pray…and that applies to newbie Christians and ‘veteran’ Christians of 20 or even 40 years just the same. I’m totally convinced that 99% of all Christians simply think and believe that prayer is the act of coming to God with a list of requests, asking Him to solve our problems, pay our rent, help us find love, etc…without any concern for how He feels in the matter. The old ‘show up and throw up’ sales approach for getting what we want doesn’t work with God…he created the heavens and the earth and everything on it, so I think he’s a bit smarter than that.  Oh you might get the occasional prayer answered - He loves you that much - but you won't see consistency. Remember that God is a person and that He created us, His children, in His image…which means that, as His children, we carry His DNA. He is our Father…our Papa. So, let’s talk about how to talk with Him instead of to Him.

When you were a kid, if you wanted to ask your earthly father for a favor, how would you approach him? Would you just go running in and ask him straight up for what it was you wanted? I don’t think so. Most of us would try and schmooze up to dad a little, soften Him up if you will, before going in and asking for what we want him to do for us. The same principle is true with God. We have to set the stage with God before asking Him to help us. Why you ask? Because He made us for one reason and one reason only…to love and worship Him. So, if we truly love Him and long for His company and the honor of continuing to do His work - and want to fully receive His love in return (in the form of answered prayers in this case), we will do what He wants us to do…the reason for which we were created in the first place.

I recently heard prayer described as “the atmosphere of fellowship that you create with God in order to express your love for Him.” That’s about the best description of prayer that I’ve ever heard. As 1 Corinthians 1:9 states, "God is faithful (and therefore ever true to His promise), who has called you into FELLOWSHIP with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord." Therefore, prayer is fellow-shipping (creating companionship) with Jesus Christ - not just the mere act of asking Him to fulfill your wants and needs but truly coming into His presence and just…being with Him. Remember when you were first saved and had that experience of Him coming to you and simply holding you and loving on you? Well, He loves it when we love on Him back...not just coming to Him with a laundry list of the things we want but really, sincerely, showing our love for Him. That's when you will quicken His response to your petitions and get real results. Notice I didn’t say positive results? That’s right. God can still be God and deny our requests based on what He deems right for us. Remember, He knows every second of your entire existence before you ever came into this world…and He knows what’s best for you. The scripture says “I will give you a future and a hope” - that future and hope comes through obedience…so stop whining about not getting your way and accept that God is doing the right thing by you.

Isaiah 56:6-7 says "And foreigners who JOIN THEMSELVES to the Lord to minister to him, to love the name of the Lord...these I will bring to my holy mountain and make them joyful in My HOUSE OF PRAYER..." That is pretty specific about how to pray. When we pray correctly, we are entering into God’s house. We are no longer operating in the natural but in the Supernatural. The only way for us to do this is to ‘join ourselves’ to the Lord God…and minister to Him. Wait a minute, ‘minister to Him?’ Wow, how can we as mere fleshy parts minister to The Most High God? How ‘bout this…LOVE HIM and PRAISE HIM! Praising Him is the fastest way to God’s heart…and when we even attempt to honor Him, He loves us for it.  

Instead of making prayer all about us, try making it all about Him -  And remember that in the original Greek language of the New Testament, Koine Greek, ‘All’ means ALL! Ask Him how he would like you to pray to Him, what you can do to please Him, ask for His guidance. Then wait for your response. I guarantee you’ll get one…and quickly. Remember the story about Cain and Abel? Why was Abel’s offering accepted by God and Cain’s not accepted? Because Abel entered into prayer with God and asked Him what He wanted -  and then gave it to Him. Cain, on the other hand, didn’t consult with God at all and just threw some veggies together with no regard for what God wanted at all. The result was catastrophic for Cain. 

Everybody wants results from prayer. The issue is how we come before God in His house, how we create that atmosphere of fellowship with Him and just love, worship and praise Him. If you do this, you won't even have to ask - He knows what your wants and needs are anyway. He's God - Johovah Jireh, Yahweh, Yeshua - and He loves you. The only thing He asks is that you love Him in return.

Finally, Thessalonians 3:10 tells us that prayer strengthens faith. So, if you lack faith pray more :) 

May the blood of Jesus Christ cover, bless and protect you!
~Mark Williams


Renee Basta: Pastoral Administrative Assistant and Bible Teacher

A Theology graduate from the Franciscan University at Steubenville,  Renee Basta has not only been ordained, but has a background in  Practical nursing and teaching which explains her big helping heart! Acting as the official church Treasurer she not only balances the books but is an educated and talented Bible teacher as well, taking the helm on Wednesday nights as needed. Upon occasion she has answered the need in the community for teaching and for ministry. Renee is greatly appreciated at the Word & Worship Center!   She welcomes interests in her teaching ministry in the community.

Julie Warren: Worship Pastor and Intercessory Prayer Team Lead

Worship Pastor and Intercessory Prayer Team Leader, Julie Warren has been a music teacher for over 30 years and is a great assist to the ministry here at the Word and Worship Center. Like her daughter, Kelley, Julie’s worship is highly anointed and with Pastor Cecil teaching the Word and Pastor Julie leading the worship we continually enter into His presence with an attitude of praise and thanksgiving! Julie is a humble servant whose only desire is to please God.  

Julie is another true 'warshiper' whose anointing includes powerful intercessory prayer. Julie is the walking definition of the term 'prayer warrior'.

Senior Pastor Cecil Warren

Pastor Cecil Warren has been the senior pastor of the Word & Worship Center for 25 years. The church is the former St. Timothy's Lutheran Church of Cutler Bay. Cecil was raised in a Southern Baptist environment but it was when he began attending a Lutheran church that he met his wife Julie. They have three daughters and a son. His daughter Kelley Warren-Augi, is a globally renowned worship leader and lead worship at Catch The Fire, Toronto, formerly known as the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship, during the 'Toronto Blessing' years of the 1990's. His wife, Julie, is also the highly anointed worship leader at Word & Worship. 

 Prior to entering the ministry Pastor Warren was a very successful high school football coach and choral director at local Miami high schools during the 70's. Upon hearing the word of God, he attended and graduated from a Lutheran Seminary at the top of his class and became a the Pastor at the largest Lutheran church in Charleston, South Carolina, a church of 6,000 members. It was while serving in Charleston that he and his family began traveling around the South, leading worship at various churches. It was during that time, in a little charismatic country church that he  experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit that caused a hunger for more of the Lord and, in his words, "hasn’t been the same since".
Pastor Warren is an extremely anointed Teacher presenting the gospel in ways that are dramatic and intelligent. His concepts for interior decoration for special services are renowned and make the message visible for all ages. When God called him back to Miami, and away from the mega church in Charleston, He gave him a vision of a ministry that would have 200 sent out teachers, ministers and missionaries. Cecil has sent out dozens of people in ministry all over the globe and the Word & Worship Center has come to be known as a Spirit Renewal Center. When the congregation started to consider a new way to identify our ministry the two words that always came to the surface were “Word” and “Worship” - and isn't that really what it's all about?