Friday, June 7, 2013

Cathie Cotton, Minister of Healing, Deliverance, Prophecy and Intercessory Prayer Team Leader

Cathie has spent the last 25 years in global mission fields planting churches, schools and orphanages as well as feeding the hungry, healing the sick in Jesus' name and bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the unreachable. For a dozen years she ministered with Georgian and Winnie Banov's Global Celebration in the trash dumps and ghettos of several countries, with a concentration in Bulgaria. Cathie has also ministered in evangelism and healing with Heidi Baker's Iris Ministries globally.

An extremely anointed Prophetess and Worshiper, Cathie has written and taught the School of the Prophets for established Prophets globally. Cathie is a true worshiper - a 'warshiper' who is extremely proficient in banner worship and Music Ministry. Cathie is a 'minuteman disciple' of Jesus who carries an anointing that is evident 24 hours a day. Cathie is an Evangelist, Teacher, Apostle and Prophet always ready to do battle with the devil.

Cathie and Mark Williams minister together as the powerhouse duo at First Love Missions.

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