Thursday, June 20, 2013

Hollis Caravetta-Coleman, Bible Teacher

Hollis is the daughter of a Russian Jew who fought in WWII with the American army. He kept the fact that he was Jewish a secret from her for many years. He even changed his last name to hide the fact that he was Jewish.  As a youngster Hollis was raised in the cult of Christian Science.  Her Christian mother was dying of breast cancer at the time and she had no interest in "her god", being a self-righteous hippy, flower-child artist of the 60's. Hollis was sure that her Charismatic tongue-talking mother had lost her mind, but God chose Hollis and spoke audibly to her in the form of questions directed at her, while traveling on a private plane. Questions like “Why don't you as an artist believe in Me when you see my artistry all over My creation?” One day shortly thereafter,  a friend of her mother’s read Hollis one of the poems she had written and to her total shock and amazement it contained the same question that she had received from the voice on the plane! 

Hollis went to bed that night and prayed for the first time in almost twenty years, "God if you are real, am I a Jew or a Gentile?” At about 2:00 AM Hollis' stepfather knocked on the bedroom door and said that God had told him to tell her, "You are a daughter of Abraham!"  The next morning Hollis accepted Jesus as her savior and her life has never been the same!  The Lord began using her to prophesy the first week she was saved and she has never stopped.

Hollis has been used as a speaker in several countries at large conventions but lately feels that her calling is to the home church speaking and teaching God's Word - with heavy emphasis on eschatology or end times ministry and the coming of the Lord.  

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